







 Sato Kentarou and his wife Makiko live in the village of Toyomi—a tiny collection of traditional Japanese houses nestled among the mountains of eastern Niigata along the Aga River. They welcomed me into their home as a volunteer with the WWOOF program on May 18, 2016. If I had to describe the environment around the Sato home in one word, I would have to say “idyllic.”

Toyomi is a gorgeous and peaceful village. The lush mountains on either side provide a sense of security and isolation while the bright red bridges arching over the river and the trains that roll through several times a day add a sense of possibility and freedom. Although most of the village feels like your typical Japanese mountain village, Kentarou has managed to make an impression on the landscape. The village's rice paddies are adorned with his stone sculptures, giving them the lively appearance of a modern art park more than a traditional rice field.

On my first night in Toyomi, Kentarou showed me to my room, which is in his own personal exhibition hall. I have the unique opportunity to begin and end each day by greeting a crowd of stone animals with a character so strong they are coming to feel more like friends than art pieces. After showing me around the house and how to use the washing machine, Kentarou asked me if there was anything I was still unsure about. When I asked him, “Where is the shower?” he said to me, “Tonight you will use the onsen.” He then proceeded to drive me up the mountain a little ways to his studio. In a neighboring cabin, I discovered one of the secret gems of this place: the natural hot springs bath. At the end of a day of slogging through the thick, deep mud of a rice paddy or hewing down weeds with a weed cutter, there is nothing quite so delicious as sinking into a steaming hot bath full of natural mountain spring water.

And the food here... Kentarou and Makiko eat a pescetarian diet full of plenty of home grown, organic brown rice. Every meal is a culinary delight, and the myriad of vegetable dishes never gets boring. After being here for a few days, I almost feel like I could go the rest of my life without eating meat again.

So, what kind of place is the Sato farm? It is a place where one can find relaxation and healing for body, mind, and spirit.